Design Streak Logo Concept

Fall 2024 Various Sizes
Adobe Illustrator

This logo design was chosen by members of Design Streak Studio out of a lineup of fellow student entries to advertise the studio’s work during the fall/winter season of 2024 for Design Streak’s biannual logo redesign project. This task demanded the formulation of a unique design concept to reflect the studio’s core values and represent the relationships between students, the creative director, and the clients we serviced. To be considered, each new logo was required to maintain the original design’s silhouette of a letter D divided into three sections. My design for this assignment featured the visual motif of a star nested in a nebula to represent the creative and professional development opportunities the studio and its services offer to members. I chose to place the star in the center of the composition to represent the central role that student interns are expected to play in the studio. The celestial nebula swirls into the composition from above and below, symbolizing the support and structure that the creative director and clients provide as members grow into professionals. Shades of yellow color the star, conveying the optimism and vitality of creativity, while hues of purple and pink decorate the nebula, evoking the feelings of ambition and encouragement instilled in students within the program. 



Country Book


New Home Star T-Shirt Designs