Wayfinding Graphic System
Fall 2023
Various Sizes
Adobe Illustrator
This project revolved around establishing a brand identity and pairing it with a visual wayfinding system that to lead audiences through a specific area. I did this by organizing an interactive educational tour through the historic district of my hometown in Geneva, Illinois geared towards families with young children looking to spend a day out of the house. Growing up in Geneva, I have many fond childhood memories exploring the streets, shops, and restaurants with my family in this particular part of town that I wanted to share with others through this tour. I used a scheme of cheerful primary colors, simplistic, soft, and welcoming imagery, and playful rounded typography to conjure the feelings of wonder and excitement I felt wandering this area as a child. In the illustrative pattern used in these materials, I incorporated Viking ships and Swedish Dala horses to represent the town’s unique Scandinavian heritage that can be found in other art and imagery throughout the town’s center as well.